
The more I think about my post last night the more I worry that I will have to give up some of the fun things I wear/do in order to be a real adult type.

I wear weird bows in my hair, I have a striped blazer that resembles Beetlejuice, I used to have my septum pierced (I still do, technically, I just don't really wear it), the list goes on.

Sometimes my hair looks like this:

Sometimes when it rains I wear my dinosaur raincoat:

 Sometimes I wear my kitten sweater to work; what's wrong with that?

I'm just concerned I will lose my ability to be me and have to be office drone #12. Hopefully my first job will fulfill all my hopes and dreams of being freeform and fancy and I will be able to wear kitten sweaters on occasion or dinosaur jackets.

I have an interview at 3 so I'm going to go run around the lake to release some of my energy but I'm still concerned with the state of my outfits.

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