
Some fabulous things to report! I have finally photographed my apartment and now everyone can see my progress with it!

First of all, my newest addition, meet Penelope!
I found this BRAND NEW mixer at Target for 1/2 of the usual price. Truly one of my best finds ever.

Next I found this hand container for all my nail polish to keep it upright. 
You would not believe how long I've been looking for something exactly like this and I got this one for $3!

Random other thing – those of you who really know me know that I am obsessed with the show Gilmore Girls. I was super excited when a character from that show own an Emmy this year for his work on the HBO film Game Change.

Now, on to the apartment!

Here is storage central, a combination of a storage tower and the wire rack I bought at Costco  earlier this summer. I'm storing food on the rack (haphazardly as you can see) and crafting supplies in the drawers. 

My record player has found a new home in my old suitcase. 
So precious.

Here is my, slightly filthy, living room. I'm working on organizing all the stuff 
behind the chairs but it's hard with just one closet.

My DVDs! Yay! I found a place for all of them (or most, as you will see).

Speaking of which, here are the rest of them! I have all my DVD series over here. 
I also put together those crates (and stained them, see previous post) that contain my VHS tapes (for 2 for $1 at Goodwill why not by Jungle 2 Jungle).

My deck needs work. I have to find a system of using all that cord to make my temporary drying lines. Otherwise though it's very awesome for storage and early morning coffee.

Here are my awesome bathroom decorations. I framed Gray's Anatomy pages for the walls. Pretty nice, huh.

My fancy soap dish and lavender on the counter.

My thrifted crystal stand with my precious jewels.

My trusty comb holder – and me creepin' in the background.

More bathroom decorations!

The wall I'm almost finished decorating in my living room. Most of the images I framed except some of the flowers and the old guy who has been seen in all of my homes :)

 My incoming table when you enter the apartment has some weird dried plants, a lamp, and my scentsy thing! It also has Sid, my balsa wood dinosaur.

Those racks allll came from the dollar store!

This one too!

More later, but for now I hope this gives a good idea of how awesome my apartment is going to be!


Things are, at last, coming together for my little apartment. I have invested in some appliances (more on that later) and a vacuum to suck up the amazing amount of dust and debris left behind from moving. I have a decorated living room and bathroom and work on the bedroom is commencing today. I think that with another few weeks I'll be ready to host guests for dinner or tea! Yay!

Today I'm going to relax, knit, clean and perhaps plot my world domination via apartment organization.

I'll be cleaning up the entire apartment today, something I've decided to spend my Sunday's doing, so perhaps when I have finished I can post some images of my lovely little dwelling's progress.


I had my first frightening - living on your own is not the best idea - moment tonight when I almost fell on my head in the shower. I don't actually know if I would have fallen on my head or even if it would have caused damage but regardless it was scary. I over-conditioned my hair and all the run-off created quite the slippery situation.

I think I need to get Life Alert – ask my sister, Goob, about how important it is for people living on their own to have it.

The moving in has been done for quite some time and the living alone has been going on for over a month now (woah!). I suppose it's high time I get everything out of boxes and deal with all of my junk. It's hard to spend time unpacking and organizing when I can now make food and sit on a chair without boxes and stuff impeding that from happening. In any event I need to get things together here soon or I'm just really pathetic. And I need to take pictures!

Speaking of pictures, I took some really cool pictures with my phone when I was out on Orcas Island with my family over the weekend (hah! I bet you thought I'd add some, but I didn't!). I did seven loads of laundry at the house we rented because laundry in my apartment is $2.25 a LOAD and I am not going to support that highway robbery. Now all the clothes/towels/sheets I accumulated over the past month and a half are clean! Now I won't have to do laundry until Halloween.

On that note I leave you, dear reader, with what I'm going to be for Halloween this year:

Now I just need to learn how to whistle and buy a blonde wig.


It's been almost a month since I took the plunge into alone-living. I have absolutely LOVED it 99.9% of the time. But when I'm putting up a shower curtain, or I shake a martini too hard and throw it all over my kitchen, or I make waaaay too much food I wish there was someone else here to at least witness it.

Last night was the first time I thought I was going to wake up with some psycho knife-wielding man standing over my bed. It seems like that was bound to happen and I fell asleep eventually so I guess it's okay to have those thoughts every now and then. I can't remember if I mentioned it before or not but I chose to change the locks on my apartment since my management company doesn't do it automatically (DUMB!). It cost me $70 but the peace of mind it's given me has been well worth it.

This upcoming week will be a short one, I have the day off today from work and it's my first paid holiday ever. I'm going to brave the 50% sales at the thrift stores to find some more apartment items before watching some serious movies before I go back to the grind tomorrow. Friday I meet up with my family on Orcas Island which is very exciting. Despite being able to see the San Juan Islands for the last four years I've never been out to them so I'm pretty excited. And seeing Your Sister's Sister definitely made me want to trek out there.

Wish me luck on the sales! I neglected to realize that putting up all of my art in my living room would leave nothing for my bedroom so half my apartment looks homey and the rest looks like a mental ward.


I'm so burnt out on cleaning and unpacking and doing dishes and unpacking and driving and driving and driving in a three mile circle from my old house to my new apartment.

I am, at last, finished moving things. But I'm far from finished unpacking/organizing/agonizing.

This morning I went to make breakfast and realized I hadn't cleaned up after my last pickling session (I'm really into pickles) and I have dishes on top of dishes to do.

Anyway, I'm exhausted and have spent the morning watching T.V. and working on a college survival guide for my sister.

Now it's all about this:

And perhaps I'll bring myself to unpack my final boxes today, or not.